About the Founders
About the Founders
Our Vision
We envision a future where shopping for skincare is like shopping in the fresh food section at the grocery store with consumers educated enough to create their own recipes with readily available ingredients. A future in which we cease the purchase of plastic containers and heavily preserved products and petrochemical based plastic packaging is replaced with 100% biodegrable materials. We envision a future where much, much less is so much more.
~ Founders Jyl Bonaguro & Marianne Sellitti
Jyl's Story
CALM Natural Skincare, est 2010, and stands for Care Art Love Maintain... As a multi-media artist, I practice techniques like carving marble and mulling paint by hand, so it made sense to create a skincare line that emphasized mix it yourself natural ingredients and eco-friendly refills.
CALM started with my older sister Jeanne, a Skincare Afficionado Extraordinaire. I used to visit her at the old Marshall Fields in downtown Chicago when she managed several skin care departments. At nine years of age, I knew more about applying eye serum than about how to play a video game. The rest of my sisters and my parents helped test products and gave me feedback. And for over 10 years, talented hair & makeup artist and bestie Daniela Kosta has provided her sales and skincare specialist support.
Marianne's Story
Jyl and I have been besties since we met in New Orleans in 2001. We were both working as models for a trade show and Jyl walked up to me and said, "Didn't I draw you last week at the Academy of Art?" Life and Art and like minded thinking has connected us in every way. We have cooked, traveled and created together and as the worlds turns away from protecting the environment and other rights, I wish to join forces with her and work together.
We wanted CALM to be more than just quality natural skin care products. We sought innovation by offering eco refills in biodegradable packaging and then pushed even farther with creating powder based products, easy to travel with products. We wanted to get away from the endless purchase of plastic containers and the heavy use of preservatives but still offer skin care at a price that an average person could afford.
It’s been an evolving process to make CALM be more than just another product on the shelf. We are truly trying to make a difference.
Thanks for finding CALM ...
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